Printing straight from your printer onto burlap????....when I first saw this idea on Pinterest at Domestically Speaking, I way will that work on my finicky inkjet printer.
Well,... do I have a project for you! Even my wacky printer did the job for me! What I love about Pinterest is that it so inspires me to create!
While my daughter was gone for the weekend at a Church retreat, I thought I'd surprise her with a long pillow for her windowseat or her bed. She has some favorite Bible verses that she had been posting on Facebook before the I made word documents using different fonts for each of the 3 verses I was going to use. ( is a great resource for free font downloads)
All you need is a roll of Freezer Paper, burlap (I purchased mine at WalMart), iron, and scissors. And your trusty printer, or course.
Cut your burlap and freezer paper close to the size of a standard 8 1/2" X 11" copy paper.
Lay the burlap on the shiny side of the freezer paper. Iron the burlap only, then flip over and iron until fully adhered. (The shiny side has a little wax coating)
Now that the burlap is adhered to the freezer paper, cut it to exact copy paper size.
Place it in your printer so that when it feeds, the printer will copy directly onto the burlap. worked! I laid them out so that they could dry completely. You could spray them with a matte sealer, for extra protection. (I opted not to) My printer is inkjet and it had no problems feeding or printing...exciting!! Peel off the freezer paper, and you're good to go!
I had made my daughter's bedding a few years back, so I had leftover fabric. I decided to go the easy route, and sew the burlap directly onto the fabric leaving a 5/8" border. Then I fringed the edges. I added some trim, a coordinating fabric on the back, and ruffle on the ends.
Linking up to these parties:
Feathered Nest Friday
I'm along for the ride
Whipperberry-Friday Flair