Mainly, I'm drawn to the antique toy variety.
Even though, I do love to watch horses run!
(otherwise known as the horse races)
My grandfather spent alot of his extra time piddling with horses.
And oh, how he wanted his grandchildren to love horses too.
I did love them....from afar!
I was deathly afraid of those big animals, especially if I was riding one.
There are fond memories spending time flipping
through Quarter Horse magazines with my grandpa.
We would often watch horse races on TV together, especially Derby Day.
My grandfather named some of his racehorses
after each one of his grand kids.
Janis Jet stepped on a nail, and never got to run a race...pooh!
But we did make trips to Ruidoso to see Johnny Jet, a horse named after my brother. Johnny never quite made it to the winner's circle.
Maybe horse loving is in my genes,
or maybe their majestic design makes me pause...
but whatever the reason, I like horses!
My very first "antique" purchase was this horse tricycle.
I lived in St. Louis at the time, and was scouring Cherokee Street for a Dining table...and came home with this toy horse instead!

This wooly German pull toy horse I found antiquing in Warrenton.
The lady must've had several, because I kept seeing them in other people's stashes. I bought the last one she had!
Isn't she pretty?
This Czech wooden rocking horse was purchased several years ago.
(Also picked up at the Round Top antique show)
(Also picked up at the Round Top antique show)
I love the lightly distressed white paint, leather ears and reins.
While antiquing last week, I spotted a very nice wooden horse from afar.
This wooden horse was obviously an antique,
with beautifully peeled white paint, leather ears, and the sweetest eyes.
It was a smaller version, so probably once a little pull toy.
As I got closer, my heart was palpitating...
I was trying to see the price tag, but at the same time,
not look too interested.
You know the game. I was planning on haggling a bit, so I couldn't let the owner know I was ecstatic about this tabletop horse!
Ah...I see a 1 and a 5 and a 5.
Hot diggity dog, I'm thinking...this horse is gonna look so great in my
living room. I'm mentally placing it in lots of different spots in my home.
I look away, quickly assess, and plan my strategy.
OK, I'm gonna offer 125...and see what she says.
As I ease my way closer to where the vendor is seated,
I take another look at "my horse".
What? Am I seeing things right?
Is that a "zero"??? Oh surely's smaller than the 5's and the 1.
But,'s definitely a zero...after the 5!
Oh, the horrified look that must've taken over my face
at that very moment!
So, I slowly started walking...away
far, far away from "my horsey"...
it just wasn't meant to be.
My old rocking horse has a new home for now.
I think she looks great here in the living room!
If you'd like to read about my antiquing day at Marburger Farms, click here.
If you'd like to read about my antiquing day at Marburger Farms, click here.

Well it certainly found a beautiful home to reside in - had my daughter been in that store she would have raced off with that one so fast you wouldn't have seen it coming ( or going ) lol
ReplyDeleteShe's mad about horses!
ReplyDeleteYour horses are wonderful! You have opened my eyes to something I did not know existed. I too, want an antique wooden horse.
Janis, your horses are wonderful! The one that you recently spotted would have been a great addition to your home. I can only imagine the fabulous vignette you would have created with it!
ReplyDeleteI too LOVED horses - but I am deathly allergic to them :( So, I get to appreciate them from afar - or heavily medicated, which isn't a good way to be around such big and beautiful animals. Where we live now, we have a few acres paddocked off behind the house, which the neighbor behind us uses for letting a few of her horses out to pasture. For me, it's the best way to have a horse - from afar and when someone else takes care of them! LOL! Love your collection!
ReplyDeleteI love your old horse. :) I have a thing for them too, mostly the ceramic horse head variety. So majestic!